2 min readJul 22, 2020


WETHEPEEPUR. Vote tee poster


Not out of fear, but for a better future

The day was 23 June 2020.

The heavens poured so much that the #Singapore Parliament dissolved. Even in the midst of coming to grips with the pandemic, the General Elections 2020 had to happen.

Get it out of the way so we can focus on rebuilding, proclaimed the ruling party.

You could almost see the collective Singaporean jaws drop, but for the fact that they were wearing masks. Or tucked somewhere safe, at home.

And so Singaporeans braced themselves for an onslaught of sweet-nothings. Promises of a better tomorrow, though no promises of whose tomorrow.

The constant bickering between the vocal 30% and the less boisterous 70.

A battle between a renewed start, and better the devil i know.

No need vote (sic) for the opposition, quipped an MP of the ruling party.

I say, keep an open mind.

Never go in blind.

Discern; cut through the clutter and see these parties for what they are.

Listen; Don’t be enamoured by the slight rise in the digits of your bank account.

Don’t hammer the lightning just cuz’ they’re all buzz and no thunder.

And don’t merely stand on the edge of periphery.

This time, get out there, and cast your vote.

Exercise your right to demand change.

Change for the benefit of not one party; but for the nation of Singapore.

Change the narrative; drive the conversations.

Equality; not just perceived

Meritocracy; not just make believe

Quality of life.

Power to the peepur. wethepeepur.

